22 Jun Happy Tail for Shiloh Hart
In mid January, Hart was brought to 4 Luv of Dog Rescue. Shari Rocks had agreed to foster this pup who was surrendered from a breeder in South Dakota. Hart (named after Bret The Hitman Hart), stayed with Shari and her family until mid February when we began fostering him. Tomorrow, on Father’s Day we can formally adopt him.
Without 4 Luv of Dog Rescue, Hart would not be alive today. When Hart came to the shelter, he had PDA. A shunt between the chambers of his heart hadn’t closed at birth and he was in congestive heart failure. Dogs with PDA generally have a lifespan of 6 months to a year. Usually they are put down by the breeder as pups. But 4 Luv chose to give this boy a chance. They set up a surgery to fix this defect with Dr. George at AERC in St. Paul.
A two hour surgery took place on March 4, and Hart came through it perfectly. The shunt was closed and he was on the road to recovery.
For 6 weeks, he had limited activity and as little excitement as possible. On June 8, he had a follow up echocardiogram and the shunt was still fully closed. Dr. George said his PDA is cured!
So instead of being a statistic, Hart now has a future. His adoption name is Shiloh Hart and we are blessed to have him join our family. We are so grateful to 4 Luv of Dog Rescue and the passionate people who go to all lengths to help and home dogs when they need it.
4 Luv is entirely volunteer driven. No one gets paid for their work. All donations go for helping the dogs who enter their door. I’m proud to be a 4 Luv volunteer and invite anyone who loves dogs to check this organization out!