24 Sep Happy Tail for Dane!
Posted at 19:05h
Happy Tails
by Darin Livdahl

I have fostered with 4 Luv of Dog for over four years and had 40+ dogs come in and out of my home. It wasn’t until Dane stepped foot into my house that I knew he was “the one”. He is as gorgeous as they come! Dane is a true representation of his breed – loyal, friendly and
craves attention. This boy will do anything to become your friend. Dane lives with a crabby 13 yr old maltese and a 2 yr old terrier mix. Dane is definitely the low man on the totem pole at my house but he just goes with the flow 🙂 I still foster with 4LOD and Dane is always welcoming of all the foster dogs. He is so ecstatic to have a new friend come along whether it be big, small, male, female – he will play with anybody!
If 4 Luv had not stepped up to take this dog, he would have been euthanized simply for being a

bully breed. Dane is smart, goofy, playful, obedient and a wonderful companion! Thank you so much for making my house complete. I cannot imagine my life without this big block head!
Samantha, Tisha, Dexter & Dane