18 Sep Happy Tail for Coors!
Hello my name is Coors and this is my Happy Tail Story! I’ve been with my new parents now for about a year. When I first came to my new home I was very scared and was having trouble trusting my new humans. I didn’t eat very much and would avoid getting close to them as much as possible. But little by little I learned that they would never hurt me and only wanted to show me love. They don’t have children so I think I am a pretty important part of their lives. I don’t think I really knew how to be a dog when I first got here. I had a pretty sad start to my life and I didn’t know any different. After being rescued from a barn, I was adopted, but my new dad passed away and I had to go back foster care. Then, my new brother, Bean, came along. (He was adopted the same time as me.) I didn’t know him before we arrived at our new home together. But he has been so helpful in showing me how to play with toys and just run around and be silly with him and our parents. He is now my best friend and I love to snuggle him.
I have come so far in the last year. I wag my tail all the time and get really excited when my parents come home from work. I now go to them looking for affection – I never used to approach them. I love snuggling with them on the couch and especially before we get up in the morning. (They let us sleep with them every night so that is nice.) Mom tries to kiss on me ALLLLLL the time and tells me that she loves me about a million times a day. I learned that their affection makes me feel really good. I am still pretty scared of other humans but my parents are slowly introducing and exposing me to more social situations so that I can get used to being around different people. Nowadays, I absolutely love being outside and just like to wander around in my backyard sniffing or lay in the sun. I will protect my backyard at all costs from bunnies, squirrels and seemingly harmless people walking on the sidewalk 50 yards away. Our parents have brought us to the lake cabin a few times this summer and I feel so relaxed when we go there. And do I ever like going for pontoon rides! I don’t swim yet but I got pretty brave and waded into the water up to my belly. Maybe next year I’ll go a little further – that water felt really nice.
This year we got to go Itasca State Park. It was our first family trip overnight, and cold and rain kept us in the camper a lot of the time, so I was a little nervous. But I heard them talking about going back there next weekend to try it again. I am excited – I do like going for car rides and now I’m more used to going to different places.
Sometimes I get to visit my foster mom, Penny, and my foster brother, Owen. I really like seeing them and I’m so thankful and fortunate they were there for me when I needed it most. They are so patient with me and love me like their own.
I really like living here and I am glad we all found each other. I know for sure mom and dad couldn’t imagine life without me and my brother – call it a hunch. Thank you so much 4 Luv of Dog for taking such good care of me, and for everything you do to help other dogs like me. I know that some dogs aren’t as lucky as I am, so that makes me sad. But I’m encouraged that there are wonderful people out there that have only our best interest at heart.