14 Mar Foster Testimonial – Becca and Tyler
Our names are Becca and Tyler, and we have fostered 4 dogs, 5 if you count our very first foster which turned into a fast foster fail; we ended up adopting number one. We went into fostering knowing we wanted to adopt so we kept our dog. (He was so perfect, and we couldn’t not.) After that, we have been set on just fostering more doggies in order to allow them a comfortable place to play and crash while they wait for their forever homes.
Our top 10 reasons for loving fostering:
1. We get to play, pet and cuddle all the dogs! Like, all of them. It’s an endless rotation of puppy loving.
2. It gets these sweet babies out of the kennel at a shelter. The dogs are always so happy to be inside a house.
3. It gives our dog a playmate! Our dog gets to make a lot of friends and practice his social skills, all while still being our #1.
4. All the cute doggy pictures we end up with are entertaining for us and our friends.
5. Dogs love you no matter what. They’re just so happy to be somewhere warm and safe.
6. In response to #5, we can give them all the love they deserve. And then their future family can continue to do that too.
7. Instead of these pups waiting to be adopted sitting at the shelter they instead can enjoy a “home hotel” experience and love the good life ASAP.
8. It gives the foster dog an opportunity to learn skills and become accustomed to living with humans (since this is new to some) which helps them be successful once they’re adopted.
9. You will always have a nap/snuggle buddy.
10. Fostering gets them out of a kennel at a shelter. (This is worth repeating to me).
And I’ll include this because everyone always asks, “Isn’t it hard giving them up?” It’s extremely helpful that we get to meet the family that adopts our temporary babies and see that they go to a good home. I have nothing but happiness for my fosters after they find their new homes. And I know that they were able to practice being the best little house pup they could be by being in a foster home. That erases any sadness that may come when your furry friend leaves. And then you can help the next pup in need!
I would highly encourage anyone who loves dogs to try fostering out at least once. Or twice if your first time goes like ours did. 😉 It’s truly such a rewarding experience. You’ll never feel bad for fostering but you might feel sorry you didn’t! Give it a try. Your pup will thank you.