29 May Happy Tail for Molly (FKA Celie) & Nettie
“My husband, Ganesh, and I adopted Molly (Maltese mix – white) and Nettie (Shih Tzu – beige) on July 10th, 2022. It’s been an exciting adventure thus far. Though Molly and Nettie are older girls (both 12 years old), they are still quite active. Their favorite thing to do is slow, long walks with tons of time to sniff EVERYTHING. It’s a good day when the smells are plentiful! They also enjoy playing with their squeaky toys, light tug of war, and snacks any time of the day. We’ve discovered that Molly’s favorite thing to eat is anything with fish and Nettie just loves food in general.
After about six months, they seemed to settle in more allowing their personalities to fully blossom. Nettie is the social butterfly ready to greet everyone who comes to the house or passes by. She makes fast friends with everyone who has the time to stop and pet her. Molly on the other hand is more cautious. She’s our little guard and alarm dog. She surveys the scene and notifies us immediately if anything seems suspicious! Once she starts, Nettie will back her up. It’s clear they have each other’s backs. Though Molly takes her time to warm up, when she does, she’s a huge cuddler. She loves to snuggle up close and could literally stay that way (and often does for hours). Though Nettie isn’t a cuddler like Molly, she’s very affectionate in her own way and particularly loves early morning belly rubs.
Molly and Nettie are quite wise for their age and really appreciate the importance of good self-care. Their most treasured part is their naps. They LOVE napping. We have blanket nests all over the house so there’s always a place to get cozy whenever they want or need a change of scenery. If one thing is for sure, it’s that they really like having options!
Having them as part of our family has been thrilling, fun, loving, and at times frightening (like the time Molly started to reverse sneeze 5 minutes after getting dropped off with us for the first time and we had NO clue what it was. Yes, we freaked out and called the animal hospital. lol.)Having them join our family has brought us so much love, joy, and play. We’re so grateful to have had the chance to adopt them and to offer them our home forever. A HUGE thank you to 4 Luv of Dog Rescue and to their foster mom, Sarah, who took such good care of them before we met them and scooped them up. Thank you!!”